There are many reasons why customers should select SPŠ v Dubnici nad Váhom when looking for a school to attend for their undergraduate or graduate studies. Our location in the heart of the Czech Republic makes us well-positioned to offer our students an excellent education. Additionally, our faculty is highly qualified and experienced, and our students are given the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of extracurricular activities.

Our work

The Slovak Pedagogical University in Dubnica nad Váhom has been awarded a grant for the Erasmus+ program. The grant will allow the university to develop a new program in the field of education and training through the program.

Since ...., our school has been participating in the Erasmus programme, which provides opportunities for students to study and gain practical experience in other countries. We are extremely grateful for this support, which has helped us to develop our students’ employability skills and widen their perspective. This year, we have been awarded a grant from the National Agency for Education and Training .SAAIC., which will help us to expand our programme of study abroad.

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